Okay motivation

I’ve determined that I need structure in my life. Probably not a new revelation, I’ve always know the more I have to do the more I get done. Otherwise I end up staying up until 5am (guilty), sleeping in until 1pm (guilty), stalking on Facebook, perusing the endless ideas on Pinterest (guilty, and guilty).

So I’m thinking maybe I need my own chore list, ya know like what you had as a kid and you get fun stickers for brushing your teeth… no I don’t have a problem getting my teeth brushed anymore.

I’m lucky to have so much time on my hands but I don’t appreciate it. I have aspirations of starting my own business, possibly going back to school, organizing my house, preparing for an upcoming move, cooking more, and the list goes on…and having a demanding job is no longer an excuse.

So we will give this chore/task chart a go and I’ll keep you posted on further developments.

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